More Hassle-Free Holidays Tips for Harmonious Preparations and Celebrations!
During the holiday season, do you ever wonder why some individuals in your personal and/or professional life resemble people on a Disney World dream vacation brochure or on the “most wanted” listings at your local post office?
Brain Color Tips
You can enjoy your family members, colleagues, and friends during the holiday season with less stress and more harmony if you understand the Brain Color Personality of everyone involved, including your own!
The following Brain Color comparison chart is a holiday gift to you and the adults and children who share your holiday preparations and celebrations. Down the left side you will see a list of activities, traditions, and emotions associated with the holidays. Across the chart to the right, you will see how each of the Brain Colors interprets or associates with the activities, traditions, and emotions.
Copy Written Material, all rights reserved 2024, Sheila N. Glazov, What Color Is Your Brain?®
Family Holiday
Our Glazov Family Holiday will begin on the evening of December 25th, on Christmas day, when we light the first Chanukah candle of 8 days of the Chanukah holiday. We will be having a family “Latkes and Lunch” Chanukah Party on the following Saturday.
Closing Thought
The Hebrew word for Chunukah is “dedication,” or “inauguration.”
Think about dedicating yourself or inaugurating new thoughts and/or behaviors to create More Harmonious Holiday Preparations and Celebrations!
Receive your FREE Chapter, #7 Your Romantic Relationships, from the original What Color Is Your Brain?® book, when you sign up for my Sheila’s Brain Blog section at the bottom of my homepage!
Want a No Bunk, Just BS Holiday gift for a your family members, colleagues, and/or friends? Purchase copies of No Bunk, Just BS (Business Sense) on
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