Leaky Gut Repair With L-Glutamine

For the last five years I have dealt with an issue many people struggle with:
Changing my life style eating habits and diet.

My “Green Brain ” continually researches ways to live more comfortably eat more healthfully. 

My change and challenge is all about NOT eating specific food groups: dairy, gluten, soy, corn, vinegar, sugar. Of course, all processed and packaged food are a “No-No“.  Fresh and simple meals are my solutions. I became an expert label reader when our son, Joshua was diagnosed with Type I diabetes . Now I could be an “Expert Witness” label reader.

One of the benefits of my restricted diet and life style is enjoying flavorful food without sauces. It’s not a problem at home because I prepare my meal with fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts and herbs. However, it is a problem when I dine out. I realized that many of the sauces that restaurants prepare, which can be delicious, often disguise tasteless food. Think about and chew on that statement.

The paradox: I tease about living to be 120 because I eat so healthfully. But, maybe I won’t because I do not any eat food containing preservative.

One of my resources for my digestive issues is Carol Childers, a certified nutritionist and the owner of All Ways Healthy , my favorite health food store. Carol thought I should include another supplement with my other vitamins and pro-biotic to cure my “Leaky Gut“, which is the graphic term for the damage to my intestinal lining. It sounds awful and it feels worse. Carol suggested L-Glutamine to cure the leaks in my intestine.

I call it MAGIC! After 2 days my tummy was feeling TERRIFIC. I also discovered that when I accidentally eat “mystery food” and have an intestinal flare, the inflammation subsides in less time.

Yippee! Less bloating in my brain and my belly. I’m not cranky and I can think clearly.

My “Leaky Gut Repair With L-Glutamine” works for me (I’m sure how it will work for others). I have read that it also helps other digestive issues and chronic illnesses. However, I wanted to share my discovery, knowing that it might help you or some one you know.

Yippee for a Healthy Brain and Belly!

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Sheila N. Glazov , Author, Personality Type Expert, Professional Speaker and Educator
Take a Brain Color Quiz , and learn about my What Color Is Your Brain? book and workshops 
10% of the royalties from the sale of my book is allocated to JDRF (Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation)

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  1. may on July 29, 2013 at 9:16 pm

    How much l glutamine did you take?

    • sheila on August 13, 2013 at 12:58 pm

      May, I followed the directions on the bottle and consulted with my nutritionist. I would encourage you to do the same. Best of luck and health. 🙂 Sheila

  2. sheila on July 30, 2013 at 3:20 pm

    May, first I checked with the dietician at my health food store and she suggested I take one a day. Those also were the direction on the bottom.
    Good luck and Good health.

  3. may on July 30, 2013 at 10:31 pm

    Do you mean 1 teaspoon? Which brand of glutamine did you take? Thanks

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