Laryngitis Cancels Radio Interview

This afternoon, I had to cancel a What Color Is Your Brain? radio interview with KBZNZ – Business Talk Radio. KBZNZ is a business radio station, located in Las Vegas, Nevada, which focuses on everything that relates to business; finance, marketing and management.

Canceling appointments is not how I normally conduct business. However, I have the “Speaker Cannot Speak Voice,” otherwise known as laryngitis. A friend said, ‘You sound sexy,” but “sexy” was not the professional image I wanted to or was attempting to
literally or figuratively project for the interview.

radio host, Sheryl Sparks, a “Green/Orange Brainer” checked my voice levels to
see if I could speak loud enough for the interview… but I failed the
test. Sheryl wisely and graciously suggested rescheduling the taping for next week. I gratefully agreed… we both want a superb interview for her listeners.

I have been drinking Organic Throat Coat and Echinacea Elder tea made by Traditional Medicinals all day. The combination seems to be helping.

Toodles… Time to refill my tea cup.

Sheila N. Glazov, Author, Personality Type Expert, Professional Speaker and Educator
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  1. Sheila Glazov Author Speaker on November 18, 2009 at 11:38 pm

    No, I hated that cherry cough medicine. Herbal tea has worked the best. I’m feeling much better and I’m no longer an Alto.   Thanks

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