Today the United States celebrates Labor Day. A way to pay tribute to the American worker.
With challenging economic times, the loss of jobs and our service men and women still serving in Iraq and Afghanistan, it’s encouraging to think about our nation’s past, present and future strength, freedom, and leadership.
Last night, I watched a PBS (our Channel 11) about President Abraham Lincoln
(a Green Brainer) and President George Washington (a Yellow Brainer).
I was fascinated by each man’s life; details I had never read or heard about preciously.
Their joys and sorrows and the courage and commitment to hard work during
difficult times, not only for themselves and their families, but for our country was inspiring!
I believe, it is important to pay tribute to everyone who works hard and makes a contribution to his or her family, community, career and/or country. We never know the “backstory” of some one’s life and how they are making a difference in our lives!
To celebrate the holiday, my husband and are off for a ride on our “Bagger.” I’m grateful for the workers at Harley Davidson who made our motorcycle!
Enjoy the holiday and “ride safe!”
Sheila N. Glazov, Author, Personality Type Expert, Professional Speaker and Educator
Take a Brain Color Quiz, and learn about my What Color Is Your Brain? book and workshops .
labor daypresident lincolnpresident washingtonharley davidson baggersheila glazovTurbo Tagger
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