“Kindness Is A Lifestyle”

Princess Shayna and the Emissaries from the Kingdom of Kindness.

A Helpful Quote

This morning, I received a “Daily Does” email from Joe Fermano. The message read; “Kindness is not an act.  It’s a lifestyle.” The quote  is from Anthony Douglass.

Princess Shayna’s Invisible Visible Gift

This quote immediately made me think of my children’s book Princess Shayna’s Invisible Visible Gift. My family fairy tale is not the predictable fairy tale about princess who is rescued by Prince Charming’s kiss, abandoned by her parents, or poisoned by a villain. The heroine in this a timely and timeless chapter book is a princess whose loving parents teach her to be a strong, independent and self-confident young woman, who girls and boys alike, can emulate and respect.

The Kingdom of Kindness

Visitors came from distant lands to experience the cooperative communities within the Kingdom of Kindness. Each village was unique and developed its own expertise, shared its knowledge and skills with the others, and all the villages appreciated their different styles of work and family life. The kingdom prospered because the people felt good about themselves and their accomplishments. They recognized their capabilities, valued their worthiness and respected the best in themselves and each other!

Brain Color Kindness Connections

The Villages represent the four villages in the Kingdom of Kindness and my What Color Is Your Brain?® concepts.  The villagers learn how connect with each others and create a kindness lifestyle by respecting and appreciating the following attributes for each Brain Color:

Yellow Brain Villagers: Understanding their “Rependability” (responsibility, respectfulness, accountability, dependability)

Blue Brain Villagers: Understanding their sensitivity

Green Brain Villagers: Understanding their sense of self-reliance

Orange Brain Villagers: Understanding their non-traditional attitude

Closing Question

How do you create your Kingdom of Kindness and Kindness Life Style in your home, workplace, school, or community?


You can purchase copy of Princess Shayna’s Invisible Visible Gift on Amazon. 10% of royalties from the sale of all my books is allocated JDRF-Illinois Outreach and Education to help children, adults, and families living with Type One Diabetes (T1D).


What Color Is Your Brain?Receive your FREE Chapter, #7 Your Romantic Relationships, from the original What Color Is Your Brain?® book, when you sign up for my Sheila’s Brain Blog section at the bottom of my homepage!



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