Yesterday, our family (children and grandchildren) spent the day at Kiddieland in Melrose Park, Illinois. It was a fond farewell to wonderful childhood memories for me and our sons. We all had “Orange Brain” fun-filled day!
However, we were not alone. The park was filled with families, who wereenjoying their last rides and time to make memories. I loved talking topeople who also remembered Kiddieland when they were growing up in the40’s and 50’s, as I did!
Members of the National Amusement Park Historical Association and American Coaster Enthusiastswere also in attendance. They had fascinating stories to share. Onecouple had traveled from Hawaii to pay their respects to Kiddieland.
The memorable rides for me were: Our family ride on the miniature train around the park, my husband and I enjoying a ride on the beautiful old Merry-Go-Round Carousel together and my granddaughter,Yasmin and I sharing my favorite ride, the Ferris wheel!
“Thanks for the memories, Kiddieland!!”
The Glazov Gang
Sheila N. Glazov, Author, Personality Type Expert, Professional Speaker and Educator
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kiddielandmelrose park illinoisnational amusement park historical associationamerican coaster enthusiastssheila glazovorange brainTag generator
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