Keep Your Energy Up and Stress Down During the Holidays!

Delegating Responsibilities

Not delegating responsibilities and not asking for help are just two behaviors that increase your stress and decrease your energy, especially during the holiday season. 

Brain Color Clues

Below are helpful Brain Color Clues to help you and others de-stress your Brain Color personalities and create more harmonious holiday celebrations!
🟡 Yellow Brainers keep their energy up and their stress down by: Completing tasks without distractions, organizing holiday preparations, and being prepared and on time for celebrations.

🔵 Blue Brainers keep their energy up and their stress down by: Helping others and sharing festivities, making time to be with family and friends, and demonstrating their creativity.  

🟢 Green Brainers keep their energy up and their stress down by: Scheduling quiet alone time, learning about their new technology, and staying within a budget when shopping. 

🟠 Orange Brainers keep their energy up and their stress down by: Enjoying impromptu sports or holiday activities, exercising, and attending parties with family members and friends.

Final Thoughts

Enjoy Yourself with Less Brain Colors Stress and More Harmonious Celebrations!

Wishing you and your loved ones a Healthy, Safe, Loving. Peaceful, and Joyful Holiday Season!

What Color Is Your Brain?

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