January BrainBuzz Newsletter Reminder
My Yellow Brain was taking a break from my writing and about to prepare my February BrainBuzz Newsletter.
Suddenly, my Blue Brain remembered that I had not shared my January BrainBuzz Newsletter with my blog and social media readers.
Oops, here is the link for the January BrainBuzz Newsletter, which includes:
1. Clues to help you understand how each Brain Color likes to spend their weekends relaxing.
2. The InBetween The Music radio show, which included my interview about Music and Color and a discussed host Lily Miceli about the fascinating connections between Brain Colors and music.
3. The announcement about JDRF International’s new logo, which includes: “IMPROVING LIVES” along with: “CURING TYPE 1 DIABETES”.
4. Customized What Color Is Your Brain? Programs, which are helpful to many different types of organizations.
If you learned a new Brain Color idea from this post, subscribe for more email updates on my blog!
10% of the royalties from the sale of my books is allocated to JDRF (Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation)
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