Is there a little “Evil” in you?

There can be a little “evil” in all of us when our Brain Colors become “shadowed” and we feel as if we are living a Forest of Fear.

The character to the left is Meevillain, the Princess of the Forest of Fear in my family fairy tale, Princess Shayna’s Invisible Visible Gift, which is the children’s adaptation of What Color Is Your Brain?® book. Meevillian represents the “shadowed” behavior or “evil” side of our personalities.

I created the name Meevillain by dividing the word into three sections that refer to our “shadowed” behavior.

  1. When we are disappointed, upset, and angry, many of us can become focused only on ourselves and how we were wronged. That is the “Me.”
  2. Often, when we experience angry feelings, we can engage in “evil” actions toward others and/or ourselves.
  3. Then we become a “villain” to ourselves and others.

There are times personally and/or professionally when you might feel as if Meevillain has cast her Cloud of Chaos over your life. Below are example of the 4 Brain Color personalities’ behaviors when they experience feeling like Meevillain and are living in her Forest of Fear with the Cloud of Chaos overhead.

Yellow Brain Meevillain Personalities need to be in control and worry about what will happen in the future.
Blue Brain Meevillain Personalities feel overwhelmed and talk about the problem over and over.
Green Brain  Meevillain Personalities ignore other people and become condescending.
Orange Brain Meevillain Personalities are rude and physically act out their angry feelings.

Now when that little “Evil” in you shows up,  you can recognize and understand that it is your Meevillain behavior. It’s an easy way to explain your “shadowed” behavior to yourself and others! 


Boost your Brain Power and Discover your Brain Colors!
Don’t forget about the FREE Chapter, #7 Your Romantic Relationships, from my original What Color Is Your Brain?® book, which you will receive when you sign up for my Sheila’s Brain Blog section at the bottom of my homepage!

10% of royalties from the sale of my books is allocated to JDRF.

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