Intense Exercise Can Lower Blood Sugar Levels

Today, I received the latest copy of the Diabetes Health Online Newsletter.

The headline that caught my attention was: Just 30 Minutes Per Week of Intense Exercise Lowers Blood Sugar.

Exercise seems to be a the top of people’s list for their New Year’s Resolutions for losing weight.

Of course, exercise should be at the top of all of our lists to stay healthy, even if we do not have Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes, which are at epidemic proportions world-wide.

Yellow Brainer will be responsible about getting their exercise schedule on their calendar and achieving their goals.

Blue Brainer will find a work out partner to share the time with and enjoy being with that individual.

Green Brainers will develop a systematic routine to solve the issues they have with getting enough exercise.

Orange Brainer will make their exercise regime is fun and compete with themselves to get the results they want.

Your Brain Color can help you take good care of yourself, get enough exercise, and stay healthy!

Be sure to check out the Diabetes Connection on my website. 10% of the royalties from the sale of What Color Is Your Brain? and Princess Shayna’s Invisible Visible Gift is allocated to the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation – JDRF.

If you learned a new idea from this diabetes and Brain Color post, subscribe for more email updates on my blog!

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  1. Laurie Buchanan on January 6, 2012 at 4:59 pm

    Sheila – I’m GREEEEEEN again.

    I front-load my day — rise at 4:20am — to weave an hour of tai chi into the fabric of my life. If I waited until I got home, I guarantee you that I’d wiggle out of it by saying “I’m too tired.”

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