Influential Blogger
Yesterday, I was catching up emails from my gmail account and to my surprise and delight I had a google alert from Janette Toral, who lives in the Philippines.
Janette is the author of the, a reflective thinking blog recording lessons learned from insightful and creative authors, leaders, books, blogs, and events.
Listed in on of her side bars is: Lessons Learned from Influential People.
There I was listed between Seth Godin and Steven Covey.
B. Kim Barnes
Chris Anderson
Edward de Bono
Jim Collins
John Maxwell
Karl Albrecht
Leo Buscaglia
Peter Drucker
Philip Kotler
Rhonda Bryne
Seth Godin
Sheila Glazov
Stephen Covey
Tim Sanders
Tony Buzan
I clicked on my name, which took me to Janette’s October 12th post,
which included her Brain Color ranking, excerpts from my book and
links to my book and blog.
I have not been featured the cover of Time Magazine.
However, it is a Color-filled and Creative Honor
to be featured on Janettes’ blog and included in
Lessons Learned from Influential People!
Thank you, Janette.
Sheila N. Glazov, Author and Personality Type Expert who offers workshop, keynote and training programs.
Please, visit my website to learn more about your Brain Colors, my What Color Is Your Brain? book and workshops.
10% of the royalties from the sale of my book is allocated to JDRF (Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation) influential
blogger influential people janette toral sheila glazov brain colors Turbo Tagger
Please Spread the Word
Hello, Janette. Please forgive this delayed response. My “Blue Brain” apologies.I’ve been working on a “Yellow Brain” deadline for my new business book. My focus has been getting the proposal to my agent on time…. TODAY!
Janette, It was an honor to be chosen for your “Lessons Learned from Influential People” list!!! It is my pleasure to acknowledge your kindness and enthusiasm for my book! I’m delighted that it helped you understand yourself from new and “colorfiled” perspective. I appreciated your support for my work! Let’s stay in touch Most gratefully, Sheila
Hello, Janette. Please forgive this delayed response. My “Blue Brain” apologies.I’ve been working on a “Yellow Brain” deadline for my new business book. My focus has been getting the proposal to my agent on time…. TODAY!
Janette, It was an honor to be chosen for your “Lessons Learned from Influential People” list!!! It is my pleasure to acknowledge your kindness and enthusiasm for my book! I’m delighted that it helped you understand yourself from new and “colorfiled” perspective. I appreciated your support for my work! Let’s stay in touch Most gratefully, Sheila