I Am Brain Color Hooker – Who Is Hooked On Crochet!

Senior Citizens are always encouraged to learn something new to keep their brain power and abilities strong and healthy. This past Spring, after my 68th birthday, I told my husband I wanted to learn how to crochet, again. I had crocheted with my maternal grandmother when I was a little girl. However, I never had the benefit of formal classes and decide the best place to start was with a class. In April, I took my first class at Fuzzy Wuzzy Yarns.

Then my husband cut out an article in our local newspaper about the Northern Illinois Chapter CGOA – Crochet Guild of American  meeting/expo. I attended the meeting and was fortunate to meet and honored to chat with Gwen Blakley Kinsler. Gwen is the founder of CGOA and the “Crochetkween”. You can enjoy viewing Gwen’s work on Ravelry or on her fascinating and informative Blog- Crochet Queen Royal Ramblings. Be sure to look at Gwen latest published book, The Fine Art of Crochet: Innovative Works from 20 Contemporary Artists and all of Gwen’s other crochet books on Amazon.

Today, I was responding to an email Gwen sent me, when I realized that I use all my Brain Colors to crochet.

My Yellow Brain made a plan to take a class to learn how to crochet correctly, visit the CGOA Northern Illinois Chapter event, and visit my local library to check out crochet books.

My Blue Brain loves the creative process, my connection with Gwen, and my monthly meetings with other women who crochet and knit. Carolyn, who is of my Yoga buddies from the Silver Lotus Yoga Studio, invited me to join her gracious, helpful, and knowledgeable “Soul Stitchers” group of ladies, where I was warmly welcomed and encouraged. I also was eager to recreate the lovely memories about my grandmother, by learning how to crochet.

My Green Brain  wanted to learn something new to add to the sewing, needle point, embroidery and knitting projects I have done in the past. Crocheting has made me develop a system to keep count of what I am doing and how I am keeping track of my stitches. This is a grand challenge for my dyslexia and my Blue/Orange Right Brain attributes and abilities.

My Orange Brain enjoys the anticipation of completing difficult stitches, a new row, a pattern, or a project. I also find I am compulsive about finishing the row I was working on, before I set my project down for the night.

Now, that I finally achieved a comfort level with my crocheting, I am relishing the relaxing rhythm of the stitching and the health benefits for my brain and Brain Colors!

Yes,  I Am Brain Color Hooker – Who Is Hooked On Crochet!

What are you hooked on and why?

boost your brain power #4Boost your Brain Power with links in the right-hand side column of this page! Please, remember that 10% of the royalties from the sale of my books is allocated to JDRF (Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation).

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  1. Laurie Buchanan on August 1, 2013 at 5:00 pm

    Sheila – My grandmother was part of the “Knit Wit” group in Camas, Washington. Just thinking about that name makes me smile 🙂

    • sheila on August 13, 2013 at 1:00 pm

      I love the “Knit Wit” name. It also made me smile. I belong to the Soul Stitchers who are most comforting and creative!

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