How To Be Happy & Have A Nice Day

Today, I’ve spent most of the day restoring my Anytime calendar (that I thought I had lost from a download) and designing my August Brain Buzz Newsletter, which you can sign up for on my home page.

I was so focused on my projects that I almost forgot to write today’s blog post.

I decided to look through my old collection of Bits & Pieces booklets, which are out of print. However, Lawrence Ragan Communications, Inc  has some new books if you are interested. I had shared anything from B & P in a long time and one writing immediate captured my attention. It’s common to hear people conclude a conversation or transaction by saying, “Have a nice day.” However, news outlets keep telling us the “bad” news and and very little “nice” news

Since, my mother always said I was born happy and as a “Blue Brainer” I am naturally optimistic; I wanted to offer you some “nice” optimism and encouragement, no matter what what color your brain is.

“Decide to be happy today, to live with what is yours: your family, your business, your job, your luck.

If you can’t have what you like, maybe you can like what you have.

Just for today, be kind, cheerful, agreeable, responsive, caring, and understanding.

Be your best, dress your best, talk softly, look for the bright side of things.

Praise people  for what they do and don’t criticize them for what they cannot do.

If someone does something stupid, forgive and forget. After all, it’s just for one day.

Who knows it might turn out to be a nice day.”

Sheila N. Glazov , Author, Personality Type Expert, Professional Speaker and Educator
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10% of the royalties from the sale of my book is allocated to JDRF (Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation) 

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