How Does Your Brain Color Personality “Spread” The Word?

For the last few days my Blue Brain has been struggling with Green Brain Logical and Mathematical Spreadsheets. I am most grateful to Jordan, my Green Brain Husband, who has been assisting me.

My Orange Determined terrier personality will not allow me to give up on this project and my Yellow Brain has given my word to my client that I will send her the Brain Color results for all her students’ Brain Color Quizzes and my Green Brain I wants to solve the problem and do it myself! 

However, my Blue Brain was easily distracted when my husband Greenly said, “I love spreadsheets and systematically figuring out the answers!”

His comment got me thinking about the word “spread“, its copious definitions, and how it relates to the Brain Colors.

Yellow Brainers: Feel responsible for spreading the word as it relates to manners, laws and/or religion

Blue Brainers: Love spreading ideas and love

Green Brainers: Like to spread their knowledge and innovations

Orange Brainers: Enjoy spreading fun and excitement

Sorry, I cannot spread myself too thin on time… I must end this post and get back to my spreadsheets. In the meantime, please, do not spread rumors about others, but you might what to wear a spread collar on your shirt, spread peanut butter on your sandwich while reading the copious definitions of the word spread.

boost your brain power #6

Boost your Brain Power with links in the right-hand side column of this page! Please, remember that 10% of the royalties from the sale of my books is allocated to JDRF (Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation).


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