How do you write a book? You put your tushy in the chair!
Question: What must every writer do when she or he has a deadline for writing a book?
Answer: Put their tushy in the chair!
And stay focused on the writing task.
It is not easy or comfortable.
You must put other business and writing projects aside.
But it gets the job done!
Yesterday, my Green Brain completed all the revsions for the 162 page Teacher’s Guide for “Princess Shayna’s Invisible Visible Gift“!
What a grand feeling of accomplishment. It have been collecting classroom activities and pictures from teachers over the past 16 years!
My dear friend Michelle Bracken’s Yellow Brain helped me organize all the documents. My editor Jennifer Cahill’s Yellow Brain skillfully edited the manuscript. My husband Jordan Orange Brain encouraged me throughout the process, before his Green Brain performed the “last look” revisions.
The Teacher’s Activity Guide will be available no later than October 10th, on Perfect timing for the premier performance of The Invisible Visible Gift which is the musical adaptation of Princess Shayna’s Invisible Visible Gift. More information about the musical and teacher’s guide availability in future posts.
Today, I continued my Green focused/Yellow detailed writing assignments by completing several updates for the Brain Books and Princess Shayna Book and Musical sections on my website. My web designer Jeff Lewis at the Webs We Weave is a Green Brain master at interpreting my Blue Brain ideas.
Tomorrow, will another writing project that is almost at the finish line. It is the back-story for characters and story details in Princess Shayna’s Invisible Visible Gift, which the actors, who are performing the The Invisible Visible Gift, requested. Once that is compete I will also post that in the Princess Shayna section on my website.
It’s time to take a “tushy-break” by getting out of my chair to have an Blue Brain nurturing afternoon tea break!
Boost your Brain Power with links in the right-hand side column of this page! Please, remember that 10% of the royalties from the sale of my books is allocated to JDRF (Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation).
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From the top of your head, to the tips of your toes — YOU are one busy lady!
Yes, Laurie, my life is filled with many blessings that make my Blue Head pop with ideas and my Blue Heart sing with joy! I always appreciate your time to write a comment. Thank you!