Holiday Help for Histamine Intolerance and Gluten Intolerance!

Last Thursday, our family enjoyed a lovely and delicious “Thanksgivakkah“, which is the celebration of Thanksgiving and Chanukkah.  I found the holiday combination most appropriate. Chanukkah is a celebration of courage and gratefulness for the freedom to worship without oppression. Thanksgiving is a holiday to celebrate being grateful for the abundant blessings of family and of food (from the harvest).

During our “Thanksgivakkah”celebration, our family enjoyed a huge batch of sweet potato latkes and another of russet potato latkes (potato pancakes) that I made, instead of mashed potatoes.

I have always look forward to making my Mimi’s (my maternal grandmother) butter cookies, which are our family’s favorite Chanukkah cookies. This year my Blue Brain and Heart loved helping our 7 year old granddaughter make the Chanukkah cookies. Yasmin had a grand time decorating the dreidels, stars of David, and menorahs shaped cookies with silver and blue sprinkles and cinnamon and sugar.

Friday was filled with lots of Orange Brain Fun as our  family enjoyed  football games, chili, leftovers and the 3rd night of Chanukkah!

I made the delicious gluten free latkes with coconut flour instead of matzo meal and pumpkin muffins with almond flour from a  recipe, which came from Elana’s Pantry.

But on Friday night, I began to feel AWFUL! I could not image what was wrong. I had been precise and careful about my preparations, but I was bloated and boggled!

On Saturday morning, My Green Brain remembered discovering and researching Histamine Intolerance. I had booked marked the sites that gave me the best information. The sites were Dr. Janice Vickerstaff Joneja, Ph.D., RD and  The Low Histamine Chef. As I began reading about how I felt, I realized which foods had caused the huge flair of histamine in my belly and my brain.

My Yellow Brain is very disciplined about my health and what I eat because of my gluten intolerance and allergic reactions to dairy, soy, vinegar, and corn. When I read that cinnamon and tomatoes were on the “do not eat list” for Histamine Intolerance, my physical bloating and brain fog discomfort made perfect sense!

I know many of you might be thinking…What is Histamine Intolerance? You are not alone. I asked my physician, compounding pharmacist, and the nutritionist and none of them had heard Histamine Intolerance!

I am not an expert about Histamine or Gluten Intolerance. However, do I hope you will find this awareness, information, and the website links helpful. Please feel free to share this post with others who might be suffering with Histamine Intolerance and/or Gluten Intolerance issues.

One of my favorite personal saying is… “If you are aware, the gifts are there. You may not like how the gifts are wrapped (ugly histamine paper and torn allergy ribbon), but there is a gift inside. In this case, the gift is being healthier figuratively and literally.”

SNG Strong Brain BoostBoost your Brain Power with links in the right-hand side column of this page!
Please remember that 10% of the royalties from the sale of my books is allocated to JDRF (Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation).





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  1. Laurie Buchanan on December 3, 2013 at 6:01 pm

    THANK YOU for this wonderful, health-positive post filled with fantastic resources! I’ve just Tweeted and Google+’d it!

    • sheila on December 6, 2013 at 12:39 pm

      Dear Laurie. Thank you for sharing this information! I found it fascinating and helpful. I was surprised the so few health care professionals knew about Histamine Intolerance. So far I am feeling better. Yesterday, I had less Brain Fog!! 🙂 I also downloaded the Paleo cook book. It looks yummy and easy.

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