Here’s What People Are Saying About – What Color Is Your Brain?
“This book is a gem! At last an easy-to-read, useful-right-now, non-judgmental resource at your fingertips. Sheila Glazov has made the complicated simple and the confusing easy to understand.”
— Kevin E. O’Connor, CSP, Author, Present Like A Pro
“You will love this book! What Color Is Your Brain? helps us understand the differences within ourselves and within others in an uncomplicated and entertaining manner.”
— Cary Sue Groth, Director of Athletics, University of Nevada, Reno
“This is the right book to read right now. Sheila has written a fascinating book that will make your life easier, help you identify the color of your brain, and then start to spot the colors of others.”
— Rita Emmett, Author of The Procrastinator’s Handbook and The Clutter-Busting Handbook
“What Color Is Your Brain? is an “A-ha!” book! I am better able to serve my clients and anticipate their needs.”
— Sharon Bending, Owner, Bending Design, Inc.
“What Color Is Your Brain? is a practical, simple, and wonderfully harmonizing approach to personality differences and styles. It has a wide variety of applications to benefit personal and professional relationships.”
— Olivia Mellan, MSW, Author, Money Harmony and Money Shy to Money Sure
“Invaluable! The concept of Brain Colors is readily grasped and easily remembered. We like to use Sheila’s concept with new staff and interns. It’s helpful and fun.”
— Maureen Manning-Rosenfeld, MS, LCPC, CDVP, CPAIP, Director of Client Services, Community Crisis Center
“It was cool to find a book that could take very dry psychological material and make it understandable, useful and fun.”
— Evelyn W. Hopkins, Academic Director, The Illinois Institute of Art
“What Color Is Your Brain? is accurate shorthand for life. I love the charts that show how to use the colors and what the interaction between colors looks like. The real life examples give me the inside track on figuring out other people.”
— Caryn Amster, Author, The Pied Piper of South Shore
What color is your brain Sheila Glazov personality types Turbo Tagger
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