Helpful Tips When Your Brain Color Personality Is Feeling Overwhelmed!
I am confident it will help me and also help you deal with the feelings of being overwhelmed.
Yellow Brainers
• Make lists
• Get organized
• Check off their accomplishments
• “I’ll just do it myself”
Blue Brainers
• Take a break from work and then go back to tasks
• Become exceptionally quiet
• Talk with others about issues and ask for their perspective
• Let go of emotions with a person they trust
Green Brainers
• Prioritize tasks logically
• Process problem solving by themselves
• Withdraw to analyze situation
• Identify available resources
Orange Brainers
• Engage in a physical activity
• “Don’t worry, be happy!”
• Make time to do something that is fun
• Jump in an get the job done
Now that my Blue Brain is feeling much more comfortable I do not feel as overwhelmed and I can go back to completing my Yellow Brain To Do List!
Boost your Brain Power with more links in the right-hand side column of this page! Remember that 10% of the royalties from the sale of all my books is allocated to JDRF (Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation).
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