Have You Experienced An Unexpected “Double Delight” In Your Workplace Or At Home?

You may have experienced a double scooped ice cream cone or a ride on a double-decker bus or Doublemint chewing gum. I am wondering if you have experienced a Double Delight in your workplace or at home? Do I mean something that is a double bonus? That is exactly what I mean: twice the joy, expectedly!

This morning, I notice a red object nestled in a Maiden Grass in my perennial garden. When I walked over and discovered it was a small leaf my eyes were drawn to something unexpected… a lovely blossom on my Double Delight rose bush! What an unexpected surprise! The bush had not bloomed all summer and I thought the leaves were from a “sucker.” I was joyfully mistaken!

Last year, my last Double Delight rose bush, which I had planted 27 years died. I replaced that bush with two new bushes. This Spring only survived the winter. When I saw the “sucker” on the surviving bush gave it rose food and water. When it did not produce blossoms all summer, I did not expect any blossoms in October.

My Blue Gardener’s Brain is thrilled by the early morning blossom, which is twice the joy I had ever expected!

My rose is a Double Delight because the pedals are a creamy vanilla color, which are exquisitely tipped with a breathtaking soft shade of fuchsia, and the fragrance is sweet and long lasting.

I gleefully and correctly cut the blossom on an angle above a 5 leaflet leaf. I brought my little treasure into the house and placed it in one of my favorite bud vases, which I placed on my desk!

Below are possibilities to help you recognize and enjoy Brain Color Double Delights:

Yellow Brainers’ Double Delights would be plans that worked better than expected.

Blue Brainers’ Double Delights would be creative projects that were more than they hoped for.

Green Brainers’ Double Delights would be problems that were solved and exceeded their expectations.

Orange Brainers’ Double Delights would be exciting events that were beyond what they anticipated.

Think about and appreciate the unexpected Double Delights in your life!


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