August 1st began the Secret Society of Happy People HappyThon’09.
A perfect time to post my friend, Mari Baskin’s Guest Blog about Surprises. Mari is a “Creative Wordsmith and Graphic Designer Extraordinaire! ” I admire and enjoy her words and work. I trust you will too.
I wonder if the world is evenly split between the people who like surprises and those who do not. Surprises do arrive in varying shades of intensity that undoubtedly influence their degree of likeability. My first of three surprises last week brings me to this post.
The degree of surprise attributed to Sheila’s invitation that I guest blog pales against my affirmative response. Sheila, nurturer of this blog, and I had already discussed the possibility of my being a guest blogger: the real surprise came when I said YES this time. This time I KNEW I would, correction, I COULD, do it.
Back to the other two surprises I received last week. To my surprise I had a GREAT time at the party I went to on Saturday night. The night air sneered at the looming rain clouds, the band played an hour and a half longer than originally planned, and I danced all evening with my husband. (You should know that after twenty-two years of his firm resistance to my requests to participate in a dance class, I opportunistically relish our occasional pas de deux.)
Surprise number three happened after the party. (No, no, no…not that.) With rote precision, I checked my email when I arrived home at 12:30 am from an outdoor party complete with adult beverages and a rock and roll band. Sure, it could have waited til morning, but my curiosity awarded my third surprise: I was the winner of an online contest. Yes, I had submitted a comment and won myself a supply of Smelly Washer.
How happy I am still from being on the receiving end of last week’s three surprises. Yet, I acknowledge that The Sudden and The Unexpected may sometimes escort The Bad Ending. Allegiance to the surprises-welcome demographic being voluntary, it remains absurd, however, to embrace surprises that deliver an unfavorable outcome.
My husband and I invented and patented a product that eliminates one kind of unwelcome surprise. Our product, Capsurz®, will windproof your cap. That’s right. Boaters, bikers, anglers, hikers, convertible drivers, paddlers and every sort of outdoor enthusiast know what I’m talking about. Speeding along in one direction, the wind suddenly blows your hat off your head. Surprise! Your hat is going the opposite direction. Hopefully you don’t find yourself thrashing around in the deep or even off the road from the automatic reflex of lunging after your cap. Wear a Capsurz®. Save your cap, protect yourself, and be prepared against a surprise attack by the wind.
Mari Baskin, admirer and friend of Sheila Glazov, professionally partners with her husband, Eric Neumann. Their design firm, Para Designers Inc., celebrates twenty-one years of serving clients by designing, manufacturing, distributing and promoting their products and services. Capsurz® is a registered trademark of Para Designers Inc.

What Surprises have made you Happy?
Please, share your Happy Surprises with
Mari and me!
Wishing You Many More Happy Surprises!
Sheila N. Glazov, Author, Personality Type Expert, Professional Speaker and Educator
Please, visit my new website to learn more about your Brain Colors, my What Color Is Your Brain? book and workshops.
10% of the royalties from the sale of my book is allocated to JDRF (Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation)
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