Happy St. Patrick’s Day!
Happy St. Patrick’s Day!
Best wishes to everyone, especially to my friends, John Bracken, Karen Hanrahan and Rita Emmett!
I also enjoy this celebratory day since Sheila is an Irish name. However, it was not my parent’s first choice. To maintain the Eastern European, Ashkenazi Jewish, custom and keep a loved one’s name and memory of alive, I was to be name with an “S” name after my Mother’s grandfather, Samuel.
But, when a nurse inquired about my name and Mother told her it was going to be Sharon, the nurse responded, “No, you should name her Sheila, she looks so Irish with all her red hair.”
And, “That’s the rest of the story.” as radio broadcaster, Paul Harvey says.
I’m wearing of the Green today and I’ll be speaking of the Green today! The following are your 3rd Monday of the Month Brain Color Listening Tips for the Green Brainers.

Remember, when people communicate, they consistently, and often unconsciously, tell you what color their brain is. It is easy to refine your listening skills or have fun politely eavesdropping whenever possible.
1. If a Green Brainer is asked a question or offered an idea they usually respond with, “I’ll have to think about that.”
2. At a social gathering, pay attention to the conversations because Green Brainers ask about where you went to school, and what level of education you have.
3. When Green Brainers conclude a telephone conversation, they do not say anything. They have said what they had to say and just hang up the phone.
Sheila Glazov – Author. Speaker. Educator
Please Spread the Word

A very happy st patricks day to you sheila, it’s the *everyone is irish* day and an absolutely great day to wear green!!
Mother Earth aka Karen Hanrahan
Happy “wearin’ of the green” to you too.
Enjoy, Sheila