Happy Spring – March 2013 BrainBuzz Newsletter

Tomorrow is the first Day of Spring! After a long Chicago winter I am looking forward to reading, working and enjoying  in my garden.

I find that the following simple gardening equation works for me in every facet of my life. Planting + Pruning = Profusion!

I trust that my March BrainBuzz Newsletter will offer a variety of ways to Plant, Prune and enjoy a Profusion of Brain Color Ideas in your professional and personal life! Below are the titles of the this month’s articles:

What Color Is Your “Business” Brain?: Discover how each YellowBlue, Green, Orange Brain Color individual learns how to not get stuck in the BOX and be more successful and achieve their business goals

Student’s Discover Their Brain Colors and “Praiseworthy Gifts”: Each student learns to recognize, understand and appreciate their own Brain Color Personality perspective and Praiseworthy Gifts, which often differ from what their teachers and parents think and tell the children about their attributes, abilities, and behavior.

Trusting Relationships and Trustworthy Environment: According to your Brain Color,  discover how do you create a trusting relationship and trustworthy environment for your client? The question can also  related to your romantic partners, children, family members, clients/customers and co-workers.

Author Interview: You will add some Spring to your step and Brain Colors when you read Author Charlene Wilson’s masterful Highlighted Author Interview with me about my books, What Color Is Your Brain? and Princess Shayna’s Invisible Visible Gift.  

Human Digital Library: I am honored and thrilled to be collaborating with Leigh Cassell, an elementary school teacher at Stephen Central Public School, in Crediton, Ontario. Leigh is the remarkable creator of the AMAZING Digital Human Library, which is a free educational resource that connects K-12 teachers and students with experts and organizations around the word interested in video conferencing with their classes. 

Happy Reading and Enjoying… Planting + Pruning = Profusion in my March BrainBuzz Newsletter!

 boost your brain power #1Boost your Brain Power with links in the right-hand side column of this page! Please, remember that 10% of the royalties from the sale of my books is allocated to JDRF (Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation).


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