Happy Father’s Day!
This morning, our family began our Father’s Day celebration with a Skype phone call and web cam visit to our Glazov Gang in Sao Paulo. Our youngest son, Noah, granddaughter, Yasmin and daughter-in-law, Kelly, were preparing to travel to a Brazilian Cultural Festival. Brazilians do not celebrate Father’s Day, today. However, we all enjoyed seeing one another and celebrating long distance.
Yasmin and Noah
My husband Jordan and I met our eldest son, Joshua, grandson, Ashton, and daughter-in-law, Sheryl, at our favorite breakfast restaurant, The White Alps in Lake Zurich. We feasted upon Ashton’s 4 year old antics, omelets and pancakes and gifts.
Papa Jordy, Ashton and Joshua
My husband, “Papa Jordy,” and I were thrilled to celebrate Father’s Day with our sons and their families. What a delight to know that their families are thriving and they are enjoying fatherhood. One of the copious bonuses of grandparenthood is watching our children enjoy being parents and knowing that Joshua and Noah now realize how much we love them and understand the joys and challenges of parenthood.
Today, I’m also remembering Jordan’s father, my other father, “Papa Joe” Glazov. I remember how excited I was when Joshua was born. I told one of the nurses, “Daddy will be so thrilled he has grandson to carry on his name.” She said, “I’m sure your husband will be excited.” “I don’t mean my husband,” I replied. “I mean my father-in-law!” I always joked with Jordan that I married him because I loved his father so much. I was twice blessed with two phenomenal fathers.
My father, Alexander I. Newman, “Poppy” to his
grandchildren, was a remarkable man.
As I wrote in the dedication of my book,
What Color Is Your Brain?,
“I am grateful for his “Green Brainer” gifts
of commitment, scholarship and Tzedak.
The Hebrew word for justice.”
My father generously loved and cared for his family and his community. With my mother, Sylvia, he founded
Lab-Line Instruments, Inc. in Melrose Park, Illinois. He was building chairmen of West Suburban Temple Har Zion in River Forest, Illinois, and was elected twice to the presidency of the congregation. He also was building chairman of Gottlieb Hospital in Melrose Park, Illinois.
My father was in an inspiration and influence for other family members, friend and collegues, especially my husband, our sons and me. He passed away on March 30th, 1977. I vividly remember individuals at the funeral offering me their condolences and saying how sad they were about his passing. Their comments resonated with me because I realized that I felt a unique sadness for them. They never could have known my father as I had.
I was blessed and fortunate to be his daughter.
Below is my father’s favorite poem and credo:
I stood on the streets of a busy town,
Watching men tearing a building down.
With a ho, heave ho, and a lusty yell,
They swung a beam – and a side wall fell!
I asked a foreman of the crew,
“Are those men as skilled as those
You’d hire if you wanted to build?”
“Ah, no” he said, “no, indeed,
Just common labor is all I need.
I can tear down as much in a day or two
As it would take skilled men a year to do.”
And then I thought as I went on my way,
Just which of these two roles am I trying to play?
Have I walked life’s road – with care;
Measuring each deed with rule and square,
Or am I one of those who roams the town,
Content with the labor of – tearing down?
Each day, not just on Father’s Day, take a moment to think about
how you constuct your life…
Sheila N. Glazov ~ Author ~ Speaker ~ Educator
Please, visit my website to learn more about your Brain Colors, my books and workshops.
Permalinks:alexander i newman lab-line instruments, inc. what color is your brain tzedaka west suburban temple har zion gottlieb hospital Turbo Tagger
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