A Happy and Connected Passover and Easter – Egg – Hunt!
Last night, we shared a lovely and joyful Passover Seder with our family. As I observed all the people at the holiday celebration, I realized how much my Passover observance has changed. My heart smiled when I thought about the very long and observant Seders my maternal grandfather led; the beautiful and traditional Seders my parents conducted in my childhood home, and the eclectic Seders Jordan and I have hosted in our homes in Cherry Hill, New Jersey, Mammoth Lakes, California and Chicago, Illinois over the years.
What I loved about last night’s Seder was the diversity and inclusion of 28 adults and 2 children, who brought other family members, friends, religions, an traditions to the celebration. I relished the differences, similarities, comfort, and enjoyment of one another and the holiday!
Suddenly, Egg and Hunt began connecting in my Blue Creative Brain that loves to connecting the dots. Of course this comment relates to the traditional Passover Question…
“Mah Nishtana?”Why is this night different from any other night”. This night was different because…
I looked at the Seder plate, which holds a roasted egg, and thought about colorful Easter eggs.
Of course, there are significant meaning to the roasted egg and the colored Easter eggs. Both representing the sadness and the joy of life.
Then, as our grandchildren were having so much fun hunting for and finding the Afikoman, I thought about how much fun children have decorating, hunting for, and finding Easter Eggs.
One of my Blue Heart’s Wishes is: People would respect, accept, appreciate, and celebrate each other’s differences and realize how similar and connected we all are!
To those who celebrate Passover and/or Easter: Best Wishes for Joyful and Loving Holidays Celebrations, which CONNECTS you with family members and friends!
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