Happiness & The Yellow Brain Personality Type

August is Happiness Happens Month!

To kick off this month’s celebrations of Brain Color Happiness, I’d like to share one of my favorite, Mac-Do Lodge Summer Camp, poems with you, which was written by Pricsilla Leonard.

Happiness is like a crystal,
Fair and exquisite and clear,
Broken in a millions pieces,
Shatter, scattered far and near.

Now and then along life’s pathway,
Lo! Some shining fragments fall;
But there are so many pieces
No one ever finds them all

You may find a bit of beauty,
Or an honest share of wealth,
While another just beside you
Gathers honor, love and health.

Vain to choose or grasp unduly,
Broken is the perfect ball;
And there are so many pieces
No one ever finds them all.

Yet, the wise, as on they journey,
Treasure every fragment clear,
Fit them as the may together,
Imagining the shattered sphere,
Learning ever to be thankful,
Though their share of it is small;

For it has so many pieces 
No one ever finds them all.

A few of Webster’s Dictionary definitions for Happiness are: Good fortune, a state of well-being and contentment, joy, a pleasurable or satisfying experience, and felicity.

Of course, each Brain Color personality has a different perspective about what brings them happiness.

A benefit I offer to my client in a What Color Is Your Brain? Workshop is a group activity that may ask one or several of the following questions:
1. What Makes You Happy?
2. What Are Your Priorities?
3. What Frustrates You?
4. What Do You Appreciate?
5. What Do You Value? 

Workshop attendees divide into their 4 Brain Color groups and discuss the question(s) in the aforementioned list and how that idea relates to them in their workplace or home, depending on the program. 

When attendees return to the larger group they share their recorded group Brain Color ideas. This activity offers each group the opportunity to learn about the other Brain Colors’ perspectives, which most often is a resonating revelation! 

I believe, it is valuable for individuals to understand and appreciate the copious ways we bring harmony and joy into our personal and professional lives. Below is a selection of “Yellow Brain Happiness Perspectives” from a variety of my clients, which will offer you ideas and opportunities to create more Happiness in your life and/or with a Yellow Brainer:

 1.  Completing their lists
 2.  Updating their calendars
 3.  Following a daily action plan
 4.  Maintaining organization
 5.  Others respect their plans
 6.  Having control over own destiny
 7.  A structure for their personal and/or professional life
 8.  Others compliments about what they are doing right
 8.  Precise directions
 9.  Promptness
10. Enough time to work their plan
11. Financial security
12. Reassurance
13. Family Stability
14. Practical options
15. Opportunities to be “Rependable” (Responsible, Respectful, Accountable and

I welcome your comments about what you think makes a Yellow Brainer Happy!

Sheila N. Glazov ~ Author ~ Speaker ~ Educator ~ Personality Type Expert
Please, visit my website to learn more about your Brain Colors, my What Color Is Your Brain? book and workshops. 10% of the royalties from the sale of my book is allocated to JDRF (Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation)

Yellow Flickr photo credit

Turbo Tagger

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