“Green Brain” Personality Type Happiness is a Roget’s Thesaurus!
Thesaurus is the Latin word for treasure or treasury.
Many people are familiar with the reference book entitled Roget’s Thesaurus and have a copy at their desks or on the bookshelf. Most people who work with a word processing program use the Shift + F7 key or tool- language – thesaurus option as a dictionary. However, most of people do not have a clue about the origin of the thesaurus.
I did not until I returned several books to my local Barrington Area Library and checked out the “New Arrivals” section. I was immediately drawn to a “New” book entitled, The Man Who Made Lists: Love, Death, Madness and the Creation of Roget’s Thesaurus written by Joshua Kendall.
The Title, Preface and Table of Contents intrigued me. Once at home, I found myself compulsively reading the book first thing in the morning, during my “Brain Breaks” at my desk, at night after dinner, and before going to sleep. The story of Peter Mark Roget, “the eminent nineteen century polymath-physician, physiology expert, mathematician, inventor, writer, editor and chess whiz” was fascinating!
I quickly discovered that Roget was a “Green Brainer.” As writer and avid reader, I understood and appreciated his obsession with words, which began when he was a school boy. Roget developed systematic lists to create happiness in his often chaotic family circumstances. Putting everything in a logical order relieved his anxieties.
The first edition of Roget’s Thesaurus was published in 1848 after his retirement at the age of sixty-nine. He continued to edit his Roget’s Thesaurus of English Works and Phrases Classified and Arranged So As to Facilitate the Expression of Ideas and Assist in Literary Composition until his death at ninety in 1869.
Roget’s Thesaurus did not become popular in the US until the 1920’s. The crossword puzzle craze, sweeping the United States at that time, made his book a sensational best seller.
Next time you hit the Shift + F7 key or tool – language – thesaurus options on your computer or log onto my favorite on line Visual Thesaurus, think about Peter Mark Roget and the “treasured” gift he gave us!
Below is a selection of “Green Brain Happiness Perspectives” from a variety of my clients, which will offer you ideas and opportunities to create more Happiness in your life and/or with a “Green Brainer”:
1. Explain ideas logically
2. Outline expectations & possibilities
3. Provide systematic information and data
4. List resources
5. Offer opportunities to solve problems on their own
6. Respect their privacy
7. Give them time to digest ideas and process solutions
8. Propose alternatives
9. Acknowledge their technology skills
10.Ask permission to give them a hug
Contemplate and enjoy a “Quiet Green Brain” celebration for the 3rd week of
Happiness Happens Month!
Sheila N. Glazov ~ Author ~ Speaker ~ Educator ~ Personality Type Expert
Please, visit my website to learn more about your Brain Colors, my What Color Is Your Brain? book and workshops. 10% of the royalties from the sale of my book is allocated to JDRF (Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation)
Peter Mark Roget Commemorative Plaque Flickr Credit
green brain roget’s thesaurus personality type happiness happens month sheila glazov the man who made lists Turbo Tagger
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