Grandmothers Concerned About Clean Air
In February, my blog mentor Karen Hanrahan referred me to Lori Popewitz Alper founder and Editor-In-Chief of Groovy Green Livin™ .
Lori was looking for grandmothers to share their hopes and dreams for their grandchildren with regard to clean air.
This request resonated with me for two reasons.
1. I suffered from Asthma as a child. I know how scary it is not to be able to breathe.
2. In 1961, my mother developed Pulmonary Tuberculosis (TB) after traveling in Europe with my father. She was cured when surgeons removed the upper lobe of her right lung in an experimental 10 hour surgery. However, she always had difficulty breathing, especially when it was cold outside or ozone levels in Chicago were elevated.
As a Bubbie Blogger, I was honored and delighted to offer the following:
“I believe that every child deserves to feel loved, safe, encouraged, and confident in a trustworthy home, school and community environment. I feel it is my responsibility as a mother, grandmother and concerned woman to make a conscious effort to ensure that the trustworthy environment also is a healthy environment. It is critical for adults to give our children the precious gifts of breathing clean air, which will enable them to enjoy healthier and happier lives, and fulfill their dreams.”
You can read all the other Grandmothers’ concerned and caring comments on Lori’s Groovy Green Livin Blog.
Now take a deep breath and take action for Clean Air on Lori’s blog, as I did!
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you are my favorite bubbie blogger Sheila!
And you are my favorite “Mother Earth” and Blog Mentor! 🙂