Graduation: Update On The Technology To Cure My Skin Cancer!
Graduation Certificate
My Orange Brain is excited to share that I have received my “Graduation Certificate” from my non-invasive radiation treatments for my skin cancer. The certificate confirms “YOU LOOK RADIANT”. My certificate was granted to me “for outstanding compliance and completion of Image Guided-Sperficial Rationa Therapy” with Congratulations from my care team.
Sandy Mitchel, my superb and knowledgeable radiation technician, and I are in the photo to the left. We also are the “young before” and “older after” image of women with strawberry blonde hair. Sandy advised me to have 25 treatments, instead of the usual 20, becuse she knows and understands a redhead’s sensitivity, especially our fair skin.
Ultrasound Images
The photos below are the ultrasound of the skin cancer on my shin. The black section is the skin cancer and the green, yellow, red dots are the new healthy grwoing cell, which will continue to grow and heal, now that the radiation treatments are over. The photo of the ultrasound on the left was taken on day #1 and the measurement of the black area was 1.44mm. The 2nd photo was taken yesterday on day #25 and the measurement was .82mm. The black area is the skin cancer. Notice how much smaller the black area on the ultrasound is on the right, than on the left. The difference in size is 1.12mm.
Check Ups
I am scheduled to go back for a check up in 2 weeks and another in 2 months to check the progression of the healing processs. If the skin cancer does not completely heal, then I will have a few more treatments to make sure I am 100% healed!
1st Blog Post About Skin Cancer
If you missed my June 29th blog: FYI: I Want To Share The Technology To Cure My Skin Cancer! click on the link and read all about the amazing non-invasive skin cancer treatment, I just completed.
I am most grateful to Sandy and the entire staff at Dermatology Specialist of Illinois! I always was offered excellent patient care. Staff members alwasy said “Hello” and were friendly before and after my treatments, even though they did not know me personally. I appreciated everyone’s thoughtfulness and quintessential care from Sandy Mitchel and Marianne Rao, Mallory Jones and Jenna Raju, who are the 3 Physician Assistants, who also cared for me.
I am also grateful that I was able to have the non-invasive radiation treatment thanks to SkinCure Oncology, instead of an invasive Mohs surgery, skin graft on my shin, continued wound care until the area healed. So many tmes, especially on “Surgery Wednesday.” I walked into the office and waiting room and was greeted by the site of individuals with bandages and gauze wrappings on different part of their bodies. They all looked like Civil War Veterans to me.
I am greateful that my previous dermotology office did not have any time to see me and my wonderful primary care physicans, Dr. Sivakami Thayu‘s medical assistant, Jacqueline Durden CMA, referred me to Dr. Vikram J. Khanna’s office.
Final Thought
Please note: As I wrote in my original blog post, “If you have a loved one, friend, or colleague who has developed a basal cell carcinoma or a squamous cell carcinoma, PLEASE share this blog post with them! If you do not know of anyone, PLEASE keep this information, in case you might need it in the future.”
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Please Spread the Word

Bravo Sheila! Now take care, stay safe and enjoy each day!
Mac-Do Girl, Sue Fisher
P.S. check out my new website. Let’s find people who want to celebrate their lives
Dear Susan, thank you for our Bravo! Yes, I am taking care, staying safe and enjoying each day, as I trust you are also. Wishing you an early L’Shana Tova! Sheila