Get ready for Valentine’s Day…Radio Interview will help you discover your Romantic Personality Type!
Do you feel that your “soul mate” has become a “cell mate”?
Are you concerned that the spark that ignited your positive attraction has fizzled into a negative reaction?
You can learn why, tomorrow evening, Saturday, January 18th from 8:00pm-8:30pm Eastern Standard Time in the United States, when I will be a guest on the Patricia Raskin’s Positive Dating radio program on WPRO AM630 and 99.7 FM in Providence, Rhode Island.
1. Radio listeners can call in to Patricia’s Live Positive Dating Radio Show at: 401-438-9776 or 800-321-9776
2. Internet listeners can log onto: Positive Dating streamed live online
3. Facebook friends can Log on to Patricia Raskin Positive Radio and Positive Dating Radio Show to post comments or questions
4. Tweeter users can tweet your comments or questions as @patriciadating
Listen in an discover:
- Why people are often romantically drawn to another because we admire their personality traits and talents that we do not have or that we would like.
- Romantic Brain Colors through a short quiz.
- My “AAA” solution to amorous dilemmas that dampen successful relationships:
1. Recognize what “Attracted” you to each other.
2. Understand why different idiosyncrasies have become an “Annoyance.”
3. “Accept” your loved one for who they are and what they value, even if their ideas differ from yours.
Think about the following questions and tune in to discover my answers to the following romantic relationship questions:
- Do you bicker with your Yellow Brain Husband about how to save and spend your money?
- Does your Blue Brain Wife drive you crazy, because she cannot stop talking about a problem?
- Are you confused by your Green Brain Boyfriend, who never talks about or demonstrates his feelings?
- Is your Orange Brain Girlfriend fun to be with, but never shows up on time for dinner reservation?
It is essential to remember that:
- Green Brainers and Yellow Brainers appreciate each other’s private and practical approach to romance.
- Blue Brainers and Orange Brainers understand their communicative and playful attitude about love.
I am looking forward to my 3rd interview with Patrica, while listeners have fun listening and calling in to learn how they can: Love More, Stress Less, Live Better, and Enjoy Life!
Boost your Brain Power with links in the right-hand side column of this page!
Please remember that 10% of the royalties from the sale of my books is allocated to JDRF (Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation).
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You’re going to be absolutely F-A-N-T-A-S-T-I-C!
Thanks, Laurie. It was fun and the listener’s questions and comments were fascinating. I always enjoy my interviews with Patricia.