Gardening can help to heal your heart!
Planning a New Garden
I am back from my High Holidays respite. I have begun the new year of 5781 by planting in my new garden.
I have sweet memories of working in the garden with my parents in the back yard of our home. It was a treat playing in the dirt and tending the flowers. I also have sweet memories of our sons, when they a were little boys, playing in one of our garden and eating the vegetables we started from seed in our green house.
Building a New Garden
In the middle of August I dug up 120 Iris bulbs, which I need to replant so they would bloom again. I asked the gardener to construct a new bed for me. The new bed is 15″ x 4″. It is a sunny spot and the perfect size for all my transplanted Iris bulbs to thrive.
My Blue Heart decided to make the new garden. It is a memorial garden to honor our families’ loved ones whose memories are a blessing. The garden will also be a remembrance of all the individuals who have died from the Coronavirus.
My Brain Colors at Work
My Blue Brain loved creating our new garden.
My Yellow Brain helped me organize a planting plan.
My Green Brain logically designed our garden.
My Orange Brain had fun digging in the dirt and enjoying a warm and sunny Autumn day.
222 Spring Bulbs
- I planted 120 Iris bulbs. In the center of the garden.
- I planted 6 Hyacinths of mixed colors next to a plaque that say “Planted to celebrate a life well lived.”
- Across the back boarder I also planted 12 Narcissus double mixed bulbs.
- Then I planted 84 Narcissus/Iris “Double Yellow Blues” in between the rows of Iris bulbs.
- I left room in the front row to plant colorful annuals in the spring after all the Iris, Hyacinth, and Narcissus bulbs have bloomed.
Closing Thoughts
I am savoring my labor love that was mixed with sweet memories, while I was planning, creating, and planting our new Memorial Flower Garden.
Gardening has helped me heal my Blue Heart with cherished memories of our loved ones and other people’s loved ones. May their memories always be blessing! I am looking forward to watching the bulbs bloom in the spring and offer a new season of life and beauty!
My family business memoir No Bunk, Just BS (Business Sense) is available on
Remember: 10% of royalties from the sale of No Bunk will be allocated to JDRF.
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