Fun Summertime Brain Color Tips & News
A lot has been happening over the past few weeks. Of course, “Green Brain” revisions for Princess Shana’s Invisible Visible Gift,preparations, delivery and follow up for Brain Color Workshops (2 more this week), and proofing for changes to the 9th printing of What Color Is Your Brain?.
I was finally able to get my vegetable garden planted on Monday of Memorial Day weekend after all the rain. We were grateful it was only rain and not a tornado. The perennial were divided and replanted, the roses were pruned and fed, and the planter on our deck and porches are now filed with colorful annuals! Hurrah! Digging in the dirt is extremely for healthy for my mental, emotional, spiritual and physical well-being of my “Blue Brain Personality”!
Yesterday, I wrote my June Brain Buzz, since I was overwhelmed with “Yellow Brain deadlines” and did not write a May Newsletter. It was fun revisiting experiences and conversations. I making a purposeful effort on getting back to a “normal” work and writing schedule.
I hope you will enjoy the “Orange Fun” Summertime Brain Color Tips and News in the June Brain Buzz !
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