Father’s Day. Yesterday was time for me to remember the Present, Past and Future. My husband, Jordan, and I began our day of celebration in the PRESENT, with a present from each our sons, who now are the fathers of our 3 “delicious” grandchildren.

Then we moved onto the PAST, with visits to our Fathers, Grandfathers, Uncles (Mother, Grandmother and Aunts) who no longer physically share our lives, but fill our hearts with loving memories.

When we arrived at the cemeteries, I was reminded of the Tracy Chevaliar’s book Falling Angels.  

As in the Victorian era, families gathered to pay their respects and celebrate their loved one’s lives. We noted many adults and children who brought flowers, folding chair to sit and visit around the grave site, prayer books to conduct their own services, and one man was seated alone with his loved one and his thoughts. 

Jordan and I did not bring flowers on this visit. It was a blistering hot day and the blossoms would have wilted before we walked to the graves. However, we did bring small stones (pebbles) to place on each family member’s headstone. A Jewish tradition of honoring a loved one and a symbol of the continuing presence of love and
memory for our family members. 

I also took my gardening gloves and weeder to make sure there were no unwanted weeds on or around the graves. I have funny and fond childhood memories of my mother, who also was an avid gardener, weeding around our family plot. Now, I carry on her respectful tradition.
During our visits, Jordan and I reminisced about each family member with tears of joy and sadness, family stories and gratitude for the blessings of our fathers and our family members.

We returned home for a delightful dinner on our porch with our family’s FUTURE… our children and grandchildren.

Yesterday, was a Happy Fathers’ Day!!

Sheila N. Glazov,
Author and Personality Type Expert who offers workshop, keynote and training programs.
Please, visit my website to learn more about your Brain Colors, my What Color Is Your Brain? book and workshops.
10% of the royalties from the sale of my book is allocated to JDRF (Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation)  

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