Fairy tale helps children feel loved, safe, encouraged, confident, and respectful of others!
23 years ago, I celebrated the publication and arrival of the first edition of Princess Shayna’s Invisible Visible Gift with my Fun Orange Brain friends, Susan Dobbe-Leahy and Carol Campbell. The actual book launch party was on February 2, 1997, the actual birthday of the fictional and nonfictional Princess Shayna.
The 1st edition of Princess Shayna’s Invisible Visible Gift was published in 1997 and the 2nd edition was published in 2011.
Princes Shayna is the fairy tale version of What Color Is Your Brain?. 10% of the royalties from Shayna’s Invisible Visible Gift are allocated to JDRF.
In the story, the children learn many meaningful messages, especially the lesson that they do not have to be perfect to be loved. Not even the princess is perfect, Princess Shayna has diabetes. It is exciting and gratifying to know that the Princess Shayna’s Invisible Visible Gift book, enrichment classes, and the two musicals productions have taught children valuable life-long lessons about understanding and appreciating other people’s “Praiseworthy Gifts,” which are their attributes and abilities!
You might be wondering what makes the two editions different. In the 2nd edition, felt it was critical to include a section about dealing with Bully Behavior. When Princess Shayna visits each of the four villages in the Kingdom of Kindness, I included the following paragraph.
“Adults are accountable for teaching children the difference between acceptable manners and unacceptable behavior when they are not feeling good about themselves at home, school, or in the village,” White Falcon said. “Each child learns the How to Treat Others Principles: Do not frighten, embarrass, threaten or push and shove others, and do not be mean and hurt another villager’s feelings by making fun of their ideas, excluding them from parties or games, talking behind their backs, taking their toys or books, or calling them nasty names.”
Below are the adjective that describes the Brain Color manners that change in each village:
In the Village of the Yellow Sunflower the children are taught correct manners.
In the Village of the Blue Forget-Me-Nots the children are taught considerate manners.
In the Village of the Green Healing Herbs the children are taught fair-minded manners.
In the village of the Orange Tiger Lilies the children are taught open-minded manners.
Each adjective is appropriate for the corresponding Brain Color behavior of that village.
I believe that every child deserves to feel love, safe, encouraged, confident, and respectful of others within a trustworthy environment at home, school, and in their community!
How do you make children feel love safe, encouraged, confident, and respectful of others?
Princess Shayna is available on Amazon.com.
Remember: 10% of royalties from the sale of my fairy tale will be allocated to JDRF.
Don’t forget about the FREE Chapter, #7 Your Romantic Relationships, from my original What Color Is Your Brain?® book, which you will receive when you sign up for my Sheila’s Brain Blog section at the bottom of my homepage!
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