Recently, I decided to improve my Social Media skills.
My solution… I made an agreement with my fellow WIN member,
Jackie de Boer, GVA, who is a Social Media Marketing Virtual Assistant.
Jackie and I are developing a strategic plan to teach me how to effectively
update and utilize Facebook , LinkedIn and Tweeter and combine those entities
with my new website and this blog.
It’s exciting transformation… My “Blue Brain Creativity” is morphing into
“Green Brain Sequential Thinking“!
However, I already have a glitch that Jackie and I have not been able to figure out.
My Facebook account is Sheila Glazov and the email setting is for my gmail account.
However, I discovered that friends’ request go to my old Dell email account,
instead of my gmail account.
When I open the link “To confirm this friend request, follow the link below:”
that link does not work.
However, the other day when I clicked a new request link it showed “39” people who had sent me requests, which I had never seen! The problem… before I could confirm their requests, I had a shut down episode with my Internet provider. When I went back to that same link it did not open to the “39” requests, again.
My “Logical Green Brain” is going crazy! None of this makes any sense. It is so frustrating, especially since Jackie and I cannot figure out why the emails are going to the “junk mail box” in my Dell email account!
I have sent several emails to the Facebook Team, but have not received an answer to my problem yet.
I expect they will contact me, since they were responsive to the What Color Is Your Brain? trademark violation, which was resolved to my satisfaction.
Dear reader, if you or anyone you know has a solution
to my Facebook problems, please, let me know.
I would be eternally grateful!
Sheila N. Glazov, Author, Personality Type Expert, Professional Speaker and Educator
Take a Brain Color Quiz, and learn about my What Color Is Your Brain? book and workshops .
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