Enhance Health Self-Esteem and Build Teamwork with Your Brain Color Personality
Today I was working on a What Color Color Is Your Brain? Team Building Program for Dental Professionals. My Blue Brain always likes to include poetry as vehicle to promote collaboration and communication to increase harmony by enhance the attendees’ HEALTHY level of Self-esteem.
Below are Brain Color examples of how to encourage and enhance a HEALTHY level of self-esteem for each Brian Color personality to build teamwork:
Yellow Brainers: Acknowledge their Accountability and encourage them by saying, “I am proud of you!”
Blue Brainers: Acknowledge their Compassion and encourage them by saying, “I love you!”
Green Brainers: Acknowledge their Competency and encourage them by saying, “I think you are smart!”
Orange Brainers: Acknowledge their Positive Outlook and encourage them by saying, “It’s fun spending time with you!”
The “I Know Something Good About You” is an anonymous poem and one of my favorites from my childhood summer camp experience.
Wouldn’t this old world be better,
If the folks we meet would say:
I know something good about you,
And then treat us just that way!
Wouldn’t it be fine and dandy,
If each handclasp warm and true
Carried with it this assurance
I know something good about you!
Wouldn’t things here be more pleasant
If the good that’s in us all,
Were the only thing about us,
That folks bothered to recall!
Wouldn’t life be lots more happy
If we’d praise the good we see!
For there’s such a lot of goodness
In the worst of you and me.
Wouldn’t it be nice to practice
This fine way of thinking too;
You know something good about me,
I know something good about you!
How do you acknowledge others and tell them you know something good about them?
One way is to share this poem and acknowledge their “Praiseworthy Gifts”!
Boost your Brain Power with links in the right-hand side column of this page! Please, remember that 10% of the royalties from the sale of my books is allocated to JDRF (Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation).
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