Email Creative Problem Solving

This afternoon, I  finished my PowerPoint presentation slides for the IRMS
Symposium that I will have the pleasure to speaking at on May 6th &7th in Peoria, Illinois. I planned on sending
the presentation file to my client, Clint Parram, MPH, Senior Director, Loss Control
Illinois at Risk Management Services for his approval. However, the
copious photos and animation made the file too large.

I unsuccessfully
attempted to send the file as a zip file and then another to Clint’s personal email. We thought the the IHA (Illinois Hospital Association) email
filters were preventing the reception. 

My “Green Logical Brain” thought it made sense that an
organization as large as the IHA would have a program to send and receive
large files.That’s when my “Blue Creative
Problem Solving Brain” ignited with a solution.

I asked Clint if
someone in their technical department could help us. Clint said he
would explore the idea and get back to me. A few minute later
Clint called and said, “You encouraged my “Blue Brain” to speak to the
“Green Brain Techies” and you will receiving an email with instructions for sending the file.

Ten minutes later, I received the email from his colleague, which included the instructions to down load a program from Accellion. After logging in as a new member, I quickly and easily sent the file to Clint. He received the file, reviewed my presentation and said, “I know it will be a huge success!”  Of course, I was delighted with his compliment.

A cautionary tale… Don’t get stuck in
a “Yellow Brain One Way Procedure” to accomplish a task.
Use both sides of your brain and become a Creative Problem Solver“!

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Sheila N. Glazov , Author, Personality Type Expert, Professional Speaker and Educator
Take a Brain Color Quiz , and learn about my What Color Is Your Brain? book and workshops  
10% of the royalties from the sale of my book is allocated to JDRF (Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation)

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