Elementary School Enrichment Program Incorporates Brain Colors
Yesterday, was “Orangely” exhilarating, energizing and filled with enthusiasm.
I presented a 90 minute What Color Is Your Bran? Workshop to an exceptional group of 3rd, 4th and 5th graders who are part of an enrichment program at Mark Twain Elementary School in Wheeling, Illinois. I am honored and excited because this group is one of nine elementary school enrichment groups in the Community Consolidated
School District #21 that is investigating learning styles and incorporating my Brain Color personalty approach into their research.
A few weeks ago I received the following email which read:
“Hello Ms.Glazov, We are the students of Mark Twain elementary school. We are part of Problem Solving Investigation class. We are researching the colors of the brain and we have several questions:
1. How does the yellow part of your brain connect with other colors?
2. How did you come up with the idea of the brain colors?
3. What color brain does better at school?
4. Can you change your color?
5. What color of the brain is most successful in life?
6. What color fails at school?
7. Can you have 4 equal colors?
Thank you for your answers”
Iwas delighted, surprised and impressed with the students’ questions. I immediate replied that I would be thrilled to answers their questions.They responded that they wanted to connect on a Skype call because their project is due November 12th and they have to report the findings of their research to the principal.
I responded that I only live 30minutes away and would be happy to come to their school. Their teacher, Mrs.Kovaleva, wrote back and said I could visit the class and meet the other teachers and students who are part of the (PSI) Problem Solving Investigation program.
She also answered the following questions I posed:
1.How did the project begin? Our students are involved in the Problem Solving Investigation, which is part of our enrichment program.
2. What is the purpose of the project? Students are working on investigating their learning styles, multiple intelligences and brain colors. They need to give recommendation to the principal and the teachers regarding the best ways to educate them.
3. What goals do you want to achieve? We would like the students to understand your philosophy behind the theory of brain colors. We would like you to bring the information from the book to the elementary school level. Please also keep in mind that we have a lot of second language learners.
4. What grades are involved in this project? 3-5 multi-age group
5. How much time will the students and I have to talk about the Brain Colors? You’ll have 1/2 hour to meet with a small group (6 students) that are responsible to report about brain colors, then 1 hour with a big group(18 students)
I prepared a PowerPoint slide presentation to answer the students’ questions and give them a pictorial foundation of the What Color Is Your Brain? concept. When I arrived, Mrs. Kovaleva told me that my visit was surprise for the children. The looks on their faces when she introduced me was almost as remarkable as their personalities, questions and interest in the Brain Colors!
In her thank you note, Mrs. Kovaleva wrote:
“Our students had a great time talking to you and they were absolutely engaged during your presentation. Mr. Celis, our principal also commented on the students’ engagement level and your ability to bring the material to the elementary school level.”
The students and their teachers have invited me to their final research presentation and to continue working with them on their Brain Color project. I will be sending them a copy of Princess Shayna’s Invisible Visible Gift, which is my fairy tale version of What Color Is Your Brain? book; and planning an Teacher Institute Day Brain Color Workshop for January.
Working with the students and their teachers is a extraordinary opportunity.
My “Blue Brain Third GradeTeacher” personality is overjoyed!
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