Editing Skills, Q & A Time, and Princess Shayna Book Questionnaire with Enrichment Class Students During 6th Author School Visit
Today, I enjoyed my 6th Author School Visit with Laura Newcomer’s 5th Grade Enrichment Students at Henry Wadsworth Longfellow Elementary School.
My Orange Brain was not surprised when Max immediately showed me another example of his Green Brain Editing of Princess Shayna’s Invisible Visible Gift . Max had written his edit on a piece of paper showing me the missing “r” for the word “your” on the 2nd question of in Chapter 13 Journey Home in the Gift Givers Guide. Max even used the editing symbol “ν” to show me where the “r” belonged. I didn’t want to disappoint Max, so I didn’t remind him that Ella had discovered that misspelling several weeks ago.
Then Ethan and Sophia show me their editing skills. They were very excited because they are not Green Brainers! Ethan and Sophia found another mistake on page 85. The sentence did not need “be” after “becomes mine!”
Shreya showed me the last mistake of the day on page 66. The word “needed” should have been “need”.
Mrs. Newcomer and I are extremely impressed with the student’s editing discoveries!
Since the children had finished reading Shayna’s Invisible Visible Gift, Mrs. Newcomer asked the students to write the questions they wanted to ask in their Princess Shayna Journals. Each student had time to ask me one question. Below is a short selection of of Q & A part of the class.
1. If you could give Princess Shayna one gift what would that be?
2. Why did you select the different flowers for each village?
3. How do you pronounce the Orange Village Emissary’s name, Padparadscha?
4. How did I select the names for the Village Emissaries?
5. What happened to Meevillain when she flew into her Cloud of Chaos?
I reminded the students that Meevillain only disappeared into her Cloud of Chaos, she did not die. Then I told the children, I had already begun writing the sequel, The Search for the Singing Scepter. They were very excited and wanted to know when they could read it. I told them I had to complete my What Color Is Your Brain? When Caring For Patients before I completed the squeal. My Blue Brain was delighted that the students wanted to read more about Princess Shayna.
Then, Mrs. Newcomer asked the student to give her their Princess Shayna Journals. She told the students she will be make a list of the extra questions that we did not have time to discuss; and I that will writing the answers to all the unasked questions. I will give that information back to the class during my final visit on March 12th.
Before the students were dismissed from class, they each turned in their Princess Shayna’s Invisible Visible Gift Book Questionnaire, which Mrs. Newcomer copied out of my Teacher’s Activity Guide for “Princess Shayna’s Invisible Visible Gift”. The questionnaire asks them the following questions:
Think about how you felt at school, home, and with your friends BEFORE you read Princess Shayna’s Invisible Visible Gift. Circle the number 1-2-3-4-5 that represents how you felt Least as 1 and how you felt Most as 5.
1. I find it easy to trust others.
2. I am aware of my unique Praiseworthy Gifts.
3. I am aware of others’ praiseworthy gifts.
4. I am aware that I have the Invisible Visible Gift
Think about how you feel at school, home, and with your friends NOW that you have read Princess Shayna’s Invisible Visible Gift. Circle the number 1-2-3-4- 5 that represents how you felt Least as 1 and how you felt Most as 5.
1. I found it easy to trust others.
2. I was aware of my unique Praiseworthy Gifts.
3. I was aware of others’ Praiseworthy Gifts.
4. I was aware that I had the Invisible Visible Gift.
This week, I will total the answers, record the numbers and give the data back to Mrs. Newcomer and the children when I see them on March 12th. Many other classes have completed this questionnaire in the past. It always is exciting and revealing to compare the students’ Before and After responses.
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[…] for one last Author School Visit with Laura Newcomer’s 5th Grade Enrichment Class, a What Color Is Your Brain? program for the Centers for New Horizons, which is a partner of […]
[…] A Grand Celebration with Laura Newcomer’s 5th grade Enrichment Class during my 7th and final Author School Visit on March 12th. We all enjoyed a color-filled Bingo […]