Early Childhood Learning Center – Brain Color Team Building Program – Day #2

If you read my Early Childhood Learning Center – Brain Color Team Building Programs – Day #1 post on October 23rd,  you will know all the basic about the What Color Is Your Brain? Team building Program for the 50 staff members at the Gertrude B. Nielson Child Care and Learning Center. The staff of 47  (3 teachers were on vacation) learned how to recognize and appreciate their own and each others’ Brain Color strengths and idiosyncrasies to build a stronger team to enhance their collaboration and communication.

Today, I am working on the  staff members’ Yellow, Blue, Green and Orange Brain Color Group answers for their 3 Positive and 3 Negative adjectives they would use to describe their own Brain Color and each of the other 3 Brain Colors. My post-program Yellow responsibility is to collate all their Brain Color answers into one document and then send it back to the staff to use a resource to reinforce the Brain Color team knowledge and skills they learned in their programs. I am about to begin that project as soon as I complete this post. I am sure I will be sharing some of their adjectives in my future books, posts, and/or BrainBuzz Newsletters.

During the 2nd day Brain Color Group Activity Groups included: 3 Yellow Brainers were the last group to finish because they wanted their chart completed the “right way” with the most appropriate words; 15 Blue Brainers who completed their task promptly, without too much conversation because most of them had Yellow as their Blending/Second Brain Color; 4 Green Brainers systematically completed their task on time and their chart was very precise; 2 Orange Brainers were surprisingly on time, but struggled a little with the adjectives because they only had 2 people in the group and were missing other Orange Brainers’ perspectives.

In total the staff was made up of 10 Yellow Brainers,  24 Blue Brainers,  8 Green Brainers, and 5 Orange Brainers. The high number of Blue Brainer and secondly Yellow Brainers is not surprising because the staff members are nurturing and care for small children.

My Blue Thanks to Lana Weiner and her staff at the Gertrude B. Nielson Child Care and Learning Center for the privilege and pleasure Aviary in GBNof presenting a 4th What Color Is Your Brain? Program for them! The aviary in the foyer is a visual and auditory treat! I always enjoy watching the birds singing, eating, and feeding their babies. What beautiful learning experience for children of all ages!




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  1. Laurie Buchanan on October 29, 2013 at 4:32 pm

    I loved reading about the beautiful environment the children get to learn in!

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