Double Delight!
“Sheila Glazov, author, speaker, and educator entered my world passionately. I needed her example. Little did I know how much. It’s one thing to find a new friend; one who has similar ideas about expression, one who’s not afraid to laugh outloud, one who’s not afraid to try new things, one who thinks in a way that isn’t always about making the almighty dollar. One who gives back. It’s another to be treated respectfully, treasured and to be revered. She gives me all of these things. It’s so remarkable to me that we became so close and so connected, sometimes I have to pinch myself. She was honored to have this opportunity to post and called like 10 times to make sure she was on track – I felt like I was in HS with a giggly friend. She is all that and more. These words from her meant so very much as she wrote them, I know that because that’s who she is – generous and ever so clever with her words and sentiment. In my heart all that she says means even more. She is truly treasured.
Amazingly the picture of the rose she shares below blossomed the day she was writing about me. It’s such a beautiful photograph!”
Best “Bloggette-ing” Wishes for your 1st “Birth-blog-day!” I am honored and a thrilled to offer you my congratulations!
When I think about our friendship and the mentorship we share, I liken our relationship to my favorite rose in my Pear Tree garden… a “Double Delight.”
photo credit: Proudly, Sheila N. Glazov
Little did I realize the “Double Delight” your phone call would offer me. Once upon a time in January 2008…my friend Susie Duboe-Bryant, owner of Hinsdale Furriers, suggested that you call me about presenting a What Color Is Your Brain? ® Workshop and selling my new What Color Is Your Brain? book at the West Suburban Women Entrepreneurs (WSWE) February meeting.
After discussing the details of our agreement for the WSWE meeting, we continued our conversation as if we were overnight campers attending our reunion.
I quickly recognized your helpful and creative “Blue Brain” attributes. Then, our divergent thinking processes led us through a labyrinth, beginning with my Brain Colors, switch-backing to blogging, and an hour later, concluding with your gracious offer to help me find solutions to my digestive issues related to gluten and food allergies.
You generously shared your blog knowledge and suggested I contact blog consultants Michael Snell and Derrick Sorles . Then, you offered me information about two Shaklee products: Optiflora Probiotic Complex “my pearl” and EZ-Gest. “My Pearl” and EZ changed my life. No more brain or belly bloating!
You are a quintessential problem solver. “Thank You!” I am most grateful for the comfort and trust you offered for my Brain, my Blog and my Belly!
Each day, I look forward to your lyrical, educational, magical and (often) hysterically funny posts. Last month, I jotted a note on my calendar about you and your writing. It simply read: Caring and Grace. I was confident that the appropriate time to share those adjectives would appear.
Ta- Da! When you invited me to be a “Guest Author” for your blog, I addressed my reply message to “Car’n Grace.” You replied with an innovative revision “Caringrace.” Now, “Caringrace Hanrahan” resides in my email address book.
I chose this date, to contribute to your blog because it is personally and professionally significant to both of us. June 19th is the 1st delivery/birthday of my What Color Is Your Bran? books to my office. I am also celebrating the 1st birthday of your blog, which you write with Care and Grace, and your arrival into my life… A Double Delight!
“Caringrace,” I am extraordinarily proud of you and your accomplishments.
Mazel Tov,
Sheila N. Glazov ~ Author ~ Speaker ~ Educator
Please, visit my website to learn more about your Brain Colors, my books and workshops.
Permalinks:what color is your brain karen hanrahan west suburban women entreprenuers michael snell derrick sorles shaklee Turbo Tagger
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