Don’t Be Afraid To Ask The Magician
Below is photo of an old poster that hung in the cafeteria of my father’s laboratory instrument business.
I think each Brain Color would have their own interpretation of what Dennis the Menace, the 1950’s comic strip character, is thinking about asking..
A “Yellow Brainer” would ask, “How did you prepare those birds and rabbits to pop out of the hat?”
A “Blue Brainer” would ask, “You are amazing, did you always want to be a magician?”
A “Green Brainer” would ask, “Where did you learn how to execute that trick?”
A “Orange Brainer” would ask, “That looks like fun, how can I do that?”
In various situation, each of us can become like Dennis the Menace.
We might be curious about understanding what is “magically” happening
before our eyes, but are afraid or confused to ask. However, it is comforting
to know that our Brain Colors can influence our perspective, encourage
our understanding and help us not be apprehensive when asking for answers
to our questions!
Sheila N. Glazov, Author and Personality Type Expert who offers workshop, keynote and training programs.
Please, visit my website to learn more about your Brain Colors, my What Color Is Your Brain? book and workshops. 10% of the royalties from the sale of my book is allocated to JDRF (Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation)
dennis the menace magician afraid to ask brain colors asking questions Turbo Tagger
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