Don’t be Afraid or Embarrassed to Ask for Help!

helpMy Orange Brain has learned to not be afraid or embarrassed to ask for help, especially when it is time to pay my Illinois State Sales Tax for my books. My dyslexia has always caused a struggle for my Green Brain when I have to deal with numbers and money. 

Years ago,  when I have to pay the state of Illinois Department of Revenue my sales taxes for my books I would become very uncomfortable. However, over the past few years, paying my taxes have been easier because my payments can be made on line. Now I can call the Tax Payer Assistance Department directly at 217.785.3707, when I need assistance.

Yesterday, I called the Tax Payer Assistance Department because my Blue Brain needed help! As in the past, I was able to speak to a Polite Yellow Brain employee named Dan, whose Orange Brain was eager to assist me. I told Dan about challenges with dyslexia challenges and why I needed his help. I was most appreciative Dan’s Green Knowledge and Blue Patience,which made the process of completing the tax form and paying online quick, easy, and comfortable. 

When Dan and I completed the tax paying process, my Blue Brain profusely thanked Dan and asked if I could speak to his manger. I wanted to let his supervisor know that Dan had done a superb job helping me. I was connected to Kevin, who is Dan’s manager. I acknowledged Dan and also asked Kevin if he would  be acknowledging Dan. He told me he would and that he would also tell his manager, Vicki!

My Blue Brain was delighted that asking for help, also helped three other people! I believe that is easier and more satisfying to take the extra time to complement good service, than it is to complain about bad service, as I did  in my February 24th stop Bad Customer Service Blog Post. You don’t always know if the bad service is going to be fixed, but you do know that people are happy to listen to you and share your accolades about superb service!

Don’t be afraid or embarrassed to ask for help! You can be pleasantly surprised by the assistance you receive!

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