Does your Brain Color Personality influence your decision to wear or not wear a mask?
There is a continual debate and sometimes upsets about individuals wearing a mask. I started to think about why I wear a mask and why other people do not. Of course, I thought about people’s decisions, which can be influenced by their Brain Color Personality.
Below are Brain Color Clues about people wearing a mask or not wearing a mask.
Wear a mask:
Yellow Brainers wear a mask because they think is the Right thing to do.
Blue Brainers wear a mask because they do not want to harm others.
Green Brainers wear a mask because they have read the scientific facts.
Orange Brainers wear a mask because they want to spend time with their friends who are wearing masks.
Do not wear a mask:
Yellow Brainers do not wear a mask because they think it is their Right not to.
Blue Brainers do not wear a mask because they are expressing their authentic beliefs and feelings.
Green Brainers do not wear a mask because they think it doesn’t make sense to wear one.
Orange Brainers do not wear a mask because they don’t like anyone telling them what to do.
Think about how your Brain Color Personality influences your decision to wear or not wear a mask!
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