Do You Want to Know the Secret to Writing a New Book?
In 2005, I began writing new business/memoir book. However, my life offered new opportunities to write my original What Color Is Your Brain?®, What Color Is Your Brain?® When Caring for Patients, and Purr-fect Pals: A Kid, A Cat & Diabetes, along with Brain Color programs.
Now, I have begun that process again. From October to February, I am taking time from my programs to focus on writing my new book. To move forward with this project I have begun to incorporate my Brain Colors skills by utilizing my Green Research Brain, Yellow Organized Brain, Blue Creative Brain, and Orange Resourceful Brain!
This focus of this book will be of interest to:
1. Small business owners, who have the drive to build their business and desire to encourage and educate themselves and their employees.
2. Corporate leaders and managers, who recognize the need for authentic leadership sensible business practices and collaborative attitudes to guide their team members.
3. Human Resource managers, who are interested in the welfare and continuing education of the individuals who work for their organization.
4. Women in business who are eager to learn from another woman’s experiences.
5. A general readership that enjoys reading memoirs and books that incorporate nostalgia and motivation.
People are curious to know the secret to writing a new book. Most authors will have the same answer to the secret I am about to share with you.
“Put my tushy (buttocks) in the chair and write!”
Discover your Brain Colors and Boost your Brain Power! Don’t forget about the FREE Chapter, #7 “Your Romantic Relationships,” from my original What Color Is Your Brain?® book, which you will receive when you sign up for my new Sheila’s Brain Blog section at the bottom of my home page!
Please Spread the Word
This is terrific and practical – butt in seat is best see you next week
Dear Caryn, thank you for your comment! Glad you thought my idea was terrific and practical!
What a cute tease. Congrats on your latest project start.
Dear Jean, thank you for your “congratulations.” Glad you liked my “cute” tease!