Do you live your life constructively?
Have you ever thought about living your life constructively with rule and square? Take some time to pause and ponder the question. I think reading the following excerpt from my new business memoir, No Bunk, Just BS (Business Sense) will help you answer the question.
Last week, on Thursday, August 16, 1973, we demolished the last of two old houses on our property. In one day, the house was leveled and soon the grass and weeds will take over and no will remember that on this ground once stood a house, lived in by many families over 50 years.
One could not help but feel a sense of remorse without thinking that what make man creates, many destroy. Many skilled workmen, working many months, built the home; but it took only a mechanical bulldozer less than a day to destroy. As I watched, I could not help but recall a beautiful story written many years ago, entitled Constructive Living, which reads as follows:
Constructive Living
I stood on the streets of a busy town, Watching men tearing a building down.
With a ho, heave ho, and a lusty yell, They swung a beam – and a side wall fell!
I asked a foreman of the crew, “Are those men as skilled as those-
You’d hire if you wanted to build?”
“Ah, no,” he said. “No, indeed, Just common labor is all I need.
I can tear down as much in a day or two As it would take skilled men a year to do.”
And then I thought as I went on my way, Just which of these two roles am I trying to play?
Have I walked life’s road – with care; Measuring each deed with rule and square,
Or am I one of those who roams the town, Content with the labor of – tearing down!
Constructively Living was one of my father’s favorite poems, which I enjoy sharing with the attendees in my What Color Is Your Brain?® programs and with family, friends, and colleagues. I hope you will appreciate the words and share the poem with you family, friends, and business colleagues and/or clients.
The No Bunk, Just BS (Business Sense) publication date is scheduled for September.
Watch for more information and updates!
Don’t forget about the FREE Chapter, #7 Your Romantic Relationships, from my original What Color Is Your Brain?® book, which you will receive when you sign up for my Sheila’s Brain Blog section at the bottom of my homepage!
10% of royalties from the sale of No Bunk will be allocated to JDRF.
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