Do you have a “No Problem” Problem?
I have had a “No Problem” Problem for a long time. Finally, two communications encouraged me to get this problem out of my Brain!
This morning, I called my local bank to inquire about the rate if I rolled over one of my Certificates of Deposit (CD). After my Green Brain reviewed the information and choices my personal banker offer me, I decide to roll the CD over for 13 months.
I thanked my banker and she replied…“No problem.”
It was painful for my Proper Yellow Brain to restrain my reply: “I did not give you a problem!”
Then, I opened an email from my remarkable Myofascial Release Therapist, Antonia Nelson. I had emailed Antonia for a referral for two of the women in my “Soul Stitchers” knitting and crochet group. I had thanked Antonia for her kindness and in her email she properly replied… “You are so welcome, glad to share!”
On occasion, I have called a customer service number to have an individual fix a problem for me. Sometime they have not been able to fix my problem, but I have cordially said, “Thank you for trying to help me.” Their reply is not, “You are welcome.” They say, “No problem!”… But I still have the problem!
I usually am a very Flexible and Understanding Blue Brainer. However, when it comes to good manners and correct verbiage, I transform into an Extremely Yellow and Particular Cranky Old Author Crone!
As the old adage states, think before you speak… think before you reply.
It may not have been a problem for you or you did not give the other person a problem, so just say, “YOU ARE WELCOME!”
Do you also have a “No Problem” Problem?
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