Do you have a “No Problem” Problem?

I have had a “No Problem” Problem for a long time. Finally, two communications encouraged me to get this problem out of my Brain!

This morning, I called my local bank to inquire about the rate if I rolled over one of my Certificates of Deposit (CD). After my Green Brain reviewed the information and choices my personal banker offer me, I decide to roll the CD over for 13 months.

I thanked my banker and she replied…“No problem.”

It was painful for my Proper Yellow Brain  to restrain my reply: “I did not give you a problem!”

Then, I opened an email from my remarkable Myofascial Release Therapist, Antonia Nelson. I had emailed Antonia for a referral for two of the women in my “Soul Stitchers” knitting and crochet group. I had thanked Antonia for her kindness and in her email she properly replied… “You are so welcome, glad to share!”

On occasion, I have called a customer service number to have an individual fix a problem for me. Sometime they have not been able to fix my problem, but I have cordially said, “Thank you for trying to help me.” Their reply is not, “You are welcome.” They say, “No problem!”… But I still have the problem!

I usually am a very Flexible and Understanding Blue Brainer. However, when it comes to good manners and correct verbiage, I transform into an Extremely Yellow and Particular Cranky Old Author Crone!

think before you speak

As the old adage states, think before you speak… think before you reply.
It may not have been a problem for you or you did not give the other person a problem, so just say, “YOU ARE WELCOME!”

Do you also have a “No Problem” Problem?

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Please, remember that 10% of the royalties from the sale of my books is allocated to JDRF (Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation).

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