Diversity Awareness Month – Celebrate the Blue Brain Personality Type

To celebrate the second week of Diversity Appreciation Month, I want to share one of my Blue Brain workshop experiences. Last September 17th, I had the pleasure of working with Brenda Judson, the Assistant Regional Administrator Region 2 of Department of Labor/OSHA, and her colleagues.

Brenda had purchased a copy of What Color Is Your Brain? at the Boston Airport. After reading my book, she contacted me and asked if I would facilitate a What Color Is Your Brain? Workshops as a Diversity Day Training program for the Department of Labor/OSHA Region 2 in New York City.

While conducting my research about the DOL and OSHA I read a fascinating article about diversity on their website. I learned that in 1991 the OSHA Region 2 was the first DOL/OSHA region to embark on a diversity program. The diversity program was entitled “Workforce Involvement Diversity Enhancement and Recognition (WIDER).

“The purpose of the program is to impact the safety and health conditions of broader employee groups and communities and to help foster a model workplace within OSHA coupled with the increasing attention workforce diversity was receiving in government, private industry and academia… The ethnic and cultural composition of the New York Region is very diverse… Development of pride in our multi-cultural and ethnic backgrounds has helped to heighten sensitivity to varying traditions, points of view and work styles in the entire workforce in the area.”

In one of the WIDER Newsletter, I read a message from Louis Ricca, Jr., Acting Regional Administrator USDOL/OSHA Region 2 that resonated with me.

“What is my view of diversity? Quite simply, I believe it is not about how we differ, it is about embracing one’s uniqueness! Put another way, diversity is the art of thinking independently together! Our WIDER program strives to do just that, celebrate our uniqueness, independence and collective talent and strength!”

The following are Brain Color Clues to help you celebrate and understand what makes Blue Brainers feel unique and appreciated, not just during Diversity Appreciation month, but every day.

1. Offering positive verbal feedback
2. Valuing their creativity
3. Asking them to help
4. Recognizing their trustworthiness
5. Praising their willingness to cooperate
6. Acknowledging a “Job well done!”
7. Giving them
“always welcomed” hugs
8. Appreciating their contributions to a team
9. Listening to their concerns

As I told Brenda and her colleagues, I enjoyed learning about the all the different agencies within the Department of Labor. I also developed a greater appreciation for the “Blue Brain” programs the government offers, especially the Women’s Bureau, which was created in 1920, the year women won the right to vote!

Sheila N. Glazov ~ Author ~ Speaker ~ Educator ~ Personality Type Expert
Please, visit my website to learn more about your Brain Colors, my What Color Is Your Brain? book and workshops. 10% of the royalties from the sale of my book is allocated to JDRF (Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation)

Flickr Blue Brain Diversity Credit

Turbo Tagger

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