Discover what your professional and/or personal brand demonstrates about your personality!

My family friend and fellow author Ibrahim Lahoud, who is the Business Director & Head of Growth at Brand Lounge  helped me thinking about my of branding, when I received an email from him, yesterday.

Branding Report

Eby’s email included a informative and insightful report, which was entitled Navigating Brands in Uncharted Territory. When I finished reading the report I was able to click on a link to The New Game Plan document to help me plan out my business strategy that is changing due to the Coronavirus. If you click on the link above, I am confident you will also find these documents helpful!

Brain Color Branding

It is essential to think about how you present yourself as a demonstration of your professional and personal branding. For example, my Green Brain is purposeful about wearing unique and colorful clothes that compliment my What Color Is Your Brain?® programs and books and encourages people to notice the outfit, which usually leads to a conversation about how my business can help that person and their business.

Below are some Brain Color Clue to help you understand your Branding:

Your Professional Branding

Yellow Brain Branding demonstrates stability and loyalty
Blue Brain Branding demonstrates creativity and trustworthiness
Green Brain Branding demonstrates knowledge and technical skills
Orange Brain Branding demonstrates energy and willingness to change

Your Personal Branding

Yellow Brain Branding exhibits your dependability and organizational skills
Blue Brain Branding exhibits your authenticity and collaborative skills
Green Brain Branding exhibits your competency and problem solving skills
Orange Brain Branding exhibits your optimism and idea generating skills

Branding and Change

Remember that examining your Branding may require change.
Please read my Solve the mystery of why people find change frightening! blog post to understand how each Brain Color Personality uniquely adapts to change.

Family Business Memoir

Watch my book trailer to learn more!

You can purchase your copy of No Bunk, Just BS (Business Sense) for yourself and/or your staff at Amazon.

If you would like an Online No Bunk, Just BS Business Sense Program, I am available. Please contact me at



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