Discover Tips About How Different Personalities Are Prepared

How Do You Prepare?

I was speaking to a client about being prepared and we discussed how people and their Brain Colors prepare for different responsibilities and activities in their lives, especially with travel, events, and activities during the summer months.

Brain Colors Preparedness

People with Yellow Brains prepare by making a plan and/or lists in advance.
People with Blue Brains prepare by talking to others about what they would like.
People with Green Brains prepare by putting all the facts on a calendar or whiteboard.
People with Orange Brains prepare by gathering equipment, documents, or people for FUN!

Final Thoughts

When you think about preparedness, remember that each Brain Color is standing on their own corner of an intersetion and they all see what is in the middle of the intersectin from their own perspective! How we prepares depends on the corner we are standing on.

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