Discover The Secret To Telling Someone You Are Not In The Mood To Talk!

What Color Is Your Brain?® Program

I have been preparing a What Color Is Your Brain?® program for the Gertrude B. Nielson Child Care and Learning Center. GBN is one of my favorite clients that I have been working with for many years! The school is remarkable. Ilove that there is an aviary in the lobby, so the children can learn about the birds’ life cycle. They also have a beautiful aquarium in the lobby. The classroom are spacious and filled with wonderful tools for early childhood learning.

Foundation Concept

In my program, I have included my Brain Color Essential Foundation Concepts. The following is the concept that is very easy to remember because of the visual it creates.

Wet Paint Origin

The expression “Wet Paint” is a warning to indicate a hazard or a hazardous condition. I learned about the “Wet Paint” expression when people are out of sorts and not feeling good about themselves from my college roommate, Michelle Siegel Bracken. Michelle’s mother, Elaine Siegel (aka “Bubbe”) had cut out a poem entitled Wet Paint from the Cleveland Plain Dealer News Paper and taught us about the expression.

Wet Paint Concept

To explain to others why you are upset, out of sorts, or not like yourself and do not feel like talking is to select the appropriate Brain Color (Yellow, Blue, Green, or Orange) and say: “I am [Brain Color] Wet Paint”. Please, give me time to dry.”

Wet Paint Poem

Wet Paint (written by by Lois Wyse and was a gift from Elaine Siegel)

Wet Paint
In the park I like so much
There is a bench and over it there is a sign:
Wet Paint. Do not sit. Do not touch. Do not disturb
I was born under that sing
For there are days I cannot function in your life
There are times I am Wet Paint
But do remember this, my love.
When I seem freshly striped:
Wet paint dries faster in the sun,
And you must learn to understand,
That even in the warmth of all your friendship (love)
That still there are times my paint is slow to dry.
So give me time, and meanwhile
Do not sit.Do not touch. Do not disturb.
I need new paint.
I also need the sun.

Closing Thought

Now thata you know the secret of “Wet Paint”, which is a helpful explanation to let others know you do not feel like talking or explaining why you do not feel like talking. It verbally and visually lets the other person know the issue is not about them. It is about you and your level of comfort or discomfort to discuss something that is upseting you!


My family business memoir No Bunk, Just BS (Business Sense) is available on
10% of royalties from the sale of No Bunk will be allocated to the Raue Center for the Arts Educational Programs.


What Color Is Your Brain?Receive your FREE Chapter, #7 Your Romantic Relationships, from the original What Color Is Your Brain?® book, when you sign up for my Sheila’s Brain Blog section at the bottom of my homepage!




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